Moments in Time and Reflections,

We all journey down a path of our choosing, through visions in time towards our future and the goals we have set for ourselves.

We remain steadfastly fixed on those goals and believe wholly in our ability to achieve them. We are driven by a sense of purpose, the need to succeed, our need to explore and experience. Far to often we miss something important, to embrace the moment and appreciate what it offers. For moments are the present which defines our future, the blocks we build on, and from.

As we journey on we focus on the road ahead, glossing over the one beneath our feet which provides us so many possibilities, so many opportunities, if we are only willing to open our minds to what it offers. We look ahead to what will be, and often skip over what is, we very often forsake what was.

With moments, we must be quick, for moments are just that, moments, and when they are gone they are gone forever and will never be repeated in our lifetime. Though they are fleeting they carry so much import to our very existence, our very being, our way of being.

It is often said embrace the moment but have I really stopped to do so, and if I do what will I miss then, how many moments do I get caught up in and lose sight of the next. While we live in the present we must also be present, see understand and engage and not get lost while we prepare for the future. We must make time to refelct on and appreciate the past as it has informed pur present, and set us up for the future. We have the capacity to engage the past, present and future virtually at the same time, what we need is the understanding that it is important. The example I use is, in a meeting, it happens far to often we are thinking about the next point we want to make and don’t really listen to the point being made now.

We are interesting creatures, human kind, we have such a great capacity, once we realize it, learn to embrace it, reflect on it and appreciate what it is, we are truly unstoppable.

So today it begins, hold tight to your vision of the future, but never fear to adapt, experience the moments each and everyone and consider what they mean. Reflect on what has been, for it will inform where you are and confirm where you are going.

Welcome to this incredible journey.

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